Winners of IPC Hand Soldering Competition at Instrutec in Tallin, Estonia Announced

New award for best company team presented

In cooperation with the Instrutec tradeshow in Tallin, Estonia, IPC re-launched its popular Hand Soldering Competition, hosting skilled competitors on September 8-10 who demonstrated their expertise in hand soldering while competing for cash prizes. The first hand soldering held in-person since 2019, Instrutec welcomed 26 hand soldering experts representing eight electronics companies.                            

This year’s competition board was designed by French supplier Polygone CAO in accordance with IPC-A-610H criteria. Featuring 116 components as small as 0402 and 0603, the board provided a significant challenge to contestants, resulting in only five of 26 competitors completing the assembly within the time allotted, and only three of those boards functioning to specifications. IPC-A-610 Master Instructors from TPT- Tallinn Polytechnic School, the IPC licensed master training center in Estonia, served as the competition judges.

On the winner’s podium for Estonia:

First place: Timmo Antso, Scanfil OÜ, with a board at 556 points of 558 possible points, produced in 54 minutes. He received a certificate from IPC, a cash prize of €300, and a present from sponsor Almit.

Second place: Ivo Ellik, Scanfil OÜ, with a board at 518 points of 558 possible points, produced in 60 minutes. He received a certificate from IPC, a cash prize of €200, and a present from sponsor Almit.

Third Place: Karin Andressoo, Enics eesti AS, with a board at 556 points out of 558 possible points, produced in 60 minutes. She received a certificate from IPC, a cash prize of €100, and a present from sponsor Almit.

New this year –IPC Award to the Best Company Team

IPC and its partner, the Estonian Electronics Industries Association, presented a new award, recognizing the best company team in hand soldering. Companies with two or three competitors were automatically entered in the best company competition. The best company award was determined by the best scores of the contestants from that company. This year, eight companies competed, with the top prize going to: Estonia Scanfil OÜ, with the combined score of 1,074 against a maximum possible score of 1,116, completed within the total combined time of 114 minutes (maximum time allowed 120 minutes).

Next Competitions in Europe

  • Next Regional Competition in Europe will take place at productronica in Munich, Germany from November 16-19, 2021.
  • The IPC Hand soldering Competition will return to Estonia again next year (dates and location to be determined)

For more information on European hand soldering competitions, contact Philippe Leonard, IPC Europe director at

IPC is very grateful to its Hand Soldering Competition sponsors for their constant support:

  • Gold Sponsors: Hakko and Thalès
  • Silver Sponsors: Almit GmbH, Optilia, TheDaylightCompany, SFM-Société Française de Microscopie and Polygone CAO
  • Local Sponsors: The Estonian Electronics Industries Association, Instrutec and TPT- Tallinn Polytechnic School.