IPC to Host High Reliability Forum in Baltimore
Mil-aero and automotive engineers who want to increase their knowledge of electronics subjected to harsh use environments should attend IPC’s High Reliability Forum in Linthicum (Baltimore), Md., May 15-17, 2018.
Attendees will find out why failure analysis is critical to ensuring reliability of electronics products as Bhanu Sood, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, leads a half day tutorial on May 15, “Achieving Improved Reliability with Failure Analysis.” Sood will provide numerous failure analysis case studies to illustrate how to arrive at the root causes of field failures on PCBs, active components and assemblies.
On May 16, keynote presenter, Anaya Vardya, American Standard Circuits, will discuss how his company is able to remain competitive in the electronics industry – from its focus and mission to the people the company hires and how employees face day-to-day challenges.
On May 17, panelists from Elektrotek, Lockheed Martin and SAIC and will analyze conformal coating reliability, use of material combinations and component gold stripping during a panel discussion titled “Forgotten Tribal Knowledge.”
Other topics of discussion include: HDI microvia reliability for any temperature extreme; system-level effects on solder joint reliability; how MSI applied technology beat the microvia hidden threat; a review of metallization interfaces on microvia reliability; reliability coupons; revisions to IPC-6012: test coupons, test boards and reflow resting
"The IPC High Reliability Forum is the premier place to discuss and learn about the newest innovations in the manufacturing of high reliability products," said Alicia Balonek, senior director of trade shows and events. "From solder joint and microvia reliability, to a special presentation on the results from the Department of Commerce study on the printed circuit board industry, this event provides a forum for forward-looking discussion, networking, and growth that will benefit the electronics industry."
Adds Sood, “The IPC High Reliability Forum will provide a stimulating and in-depth review of practices for engineering personnel working on electronics used in complex operations and where the risk of significant – and potentially catastrophic consequences – is high. If you work with electronics in harsh use environments, the forum is a must-attend event.”
There is still time to register for the IPC High Reliability Forum. For more information, visit http://www.ipc.org/Reliability-Baltimore.