IPC Elects New Officers and Members to IPC Board
The Nominating and Governance Committee of the IPC Board of Directors presented five candidates for election at the IPC Annual Meeting on February 27, held in conjunction with IPC APEX EXPO 2018 at the San Diego Convention Center. Three candidates were elected as Board officers and will serve two-year terms. Two were elected as new Board members and will serve a four-year term.
The newly elected Board officers are:
- Board Chair – Mikel Williams, CEO and Board Chair, Targus Inc.
- Vice Chair – Shane Whiteside, President and CEO, Summit Interconnect
- Secretary/Treasurer – Bob Neves, Chair and Chief Technology Officer, Microtek Laboratories
The newly elected Board members are:
- Rick Bromm, President, Altex Inc.
- Jay Hill, Chief Operating Officer, Imaging, GE Healthcare
"IPC is privileged to have these directors and officers added to our current slate of Board members. All are active contributors to IPC initiatives and we look forward to their continued contributions to advancing IPC and industry," said John Mitchell, IPC president and CEO.
In addition to holding Board elections, IPC honored outgoing Board Chair, Joe O’Neil, CEO, Power Design Services. O’Neil will serve as the Immediate Past Chair on the IPC Board of Directors Executive Committee for a two-year term. Out-going Board Member Marc Peo was honored for his nearly 10 years of service on the IPC Board of Directors.
For additional information on IPC's Board of Directors including bios on newly elected Board members, contact Sandy Gentry, IPC communications director, at SandyGentry@ipc.org.