IPC Presents Webinar at MexicoNow's Virtual Automotive Summit
IPC was excited to participate in MexicoNow’s Automotive Summit virtual event. Several participants mentioned education as a core need for companies based in Mexico, including education on how to do business with the automotive sector and in how to train employees to meet the increased demand for skilled labor. This was especially true of panelists focused on regional strategies who suggested that industries choosing new locations for investment are moving away from seeking cheap labor and are now looking for a more skilled workforce.
IPC launched our Electronics Workforce Training courses in August of 2020 to help manufacturers provide the training needed to provide skilled and knowledgeable employees. David Hernandez, vice president of education and Carlos Plaza, senior director of education at IPC presented “Developing and Implementing Workforce Training in Your Organization” to share trends and background surrounding training in North America.
Hernandez pointed to IPC research that revealed a shortage of qualified electronics workers in North America mainly due to lack of experience, technical education, and basic skills. While IPC certification programs continue to play a vital role in verifying critical employee competencies, subsequent conversations with industry members confirmed the need for easily implemented entry-level training for operators.
Plaza went on to explain how IPC addressed this critical skills gap by working with our membership and the industry at large to design and develop workforce training programs that provide the fundamental knowledge and skills that employers require of their frontline staff. Plaza then previewed the Spanish language version of the Electronics Assembly Operator course highlighting its ease of use, interactive learning activities and instructional flexibility.
As automotive manufacturing relies more and more on electronic control units (ECUs) and software in new car and truck designs, training employees skilled in the manufacture and repair of electronics is critical to success in the entire supply chain. IPC Electronics Workforce Training can help small companies grow, help regions train talent to attract new and support existing business and help large companies like automakers maintain a workforce with the right skills and knowledge.
For more about IPC education programs visit our course catalog or contact sales@ipc.org.
To learn more about IPC Automotive Standards and Solutions visit IPC's Automotive Solutions Page or contact TracyRiggan@ipc.org.