More than 6 Dozen Standards Development Committees to Meet at IPC SummerCom 2021

Hundreds of IPC standards development committee members will converge upon the Milwaukee Center in downtown Milwaukee, Wis., August 28-September 2, 2021 for IPC SummerCom. These standards development meetings mark the first time committee members have met face to face since February 2020.

Standards development committee members will meet to discuss a range of topics including assembly and joining, base materials, cleaning and coating, embedded devices, environment, health and safety, printed board design technology, printed electronics, product reliability, testing, wearable electronics/e-textiles, and more.

“Electronics industry professionals are an integral part of the IPC standards development process and we rely on their experience and expertise to develop IPC standards that help ensure superior quality, reliability and consistency in electronics manufacturing,” said David Bergman, IPC vice president of standards and technology. “Newcomers and industry veterans are welcome to attend SummerCom 2021. Though we’re dealing with travel bans, it’s important to keep standards development activities going and we’re looking forward to seeing as many committee members as we can in person!"

The registration fee, $130 for IPC members and $165 for nonmembers includes standards development committee meetings and an awards luncheon on Monday, August 30. For additional information or to register, visit