IPC Releases New Press-Fit Standard, IPC-9797
IPC announces the release of a new standard, IPC-9797, Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and Other High-Reliability Applications. The comprehensive document covers the qualifications and acceptance requirements for press fit technology, including the high-reliability needs for automotive and other industries such as aerospace.
Press-fit technology is relatively new to the automotive industry and high-reliability needs, but not to electronics. Used primarily in the telecommunications industry, the dependability and efficiency of press-fit makes it stable for use in high-relability electronics. The technology has been found to be critical to the manufacturing of electronic and electro-mechanical components.
Hans-Peter Tranitz, Ph. D., Continental Automotive, and co-chair of 5-12m Cold Joining Press-fit Task Group commented, “Press-fit connections are extremely robust against all kinds of environmental conditions, rather simple to assemble and -- amongst many other advantages -- without additional temperature load to the electronics. Those advantages lead to an exponential growth of press-fit components in the automotive industry as well as in other high reliability applications.”
Andres Ojalill, IPC European standard development manager, commented, “IPC would like to thank the many committee members from Europe, Asia and the Americas for their participation in the 5-21m task group. Their diligent and hard work over these past three years has produced the new IPC-9797, Press-fit Standard for Automotive Requirements and Other High-Reliability Applications.” He continued to say, “the same task group will now turn their sites to a standard handbook to support the IPC-9797 standard.”
You can purchase the IPC-9797 standard at https://shop.ipc.org/IPC-9797-English-D