IPC Announces Paige Fiet as First IPC Board of Directors Student Liaison
For the first time, the IPC Board of Directors will include an IPC student member with a full voting board seat, in response to increased student member involvement in IPC and the potential for student members, as the emerging workforce, to influence workforce development. Paige Fiet, president of the IPC Student Chapter at Michigan Technological University, was elected as the first IPC Board of Directors Student Member Liaison. The IPC Education Foundation (IPCEF) developed the nomination/election process with IPC Student Chapter advisors and every IPC Student Chapter member was eligible to vote.
“We discovered that our IPC student members are eager to learn more about the industry and to engage with IPC member companies to understand the skills needed to get a job,” said IPC President and CEO John Mitchell. “What better way to understand the student experience and to connect to our next generation of engineers than to add a full voting board seat for an IPC Student Chapter member? We are very excited to welcome Paige to the IPC Board of Directors.”
Currently a summer employee at Calumet Electronics, Fiet attends Michigan Technological University, where she is pursuing an electrical engineering degree with a biomed application. “It is an honor for me to have been chosen and I feel like I will get invaluable experience and insight into the inner-workings of IPC,” stated Fiet. “I hope to convey the needs of the students to the Board of Directors. I also intend to learn how to better reach the IPC Student Chapter members and show them how involvement with IPC can benefit them.”
As a student Board member, Fiet will have full voting rights and attend all Board meetings. Her role is focused on bringing a fresh perspective to the table, based on students’ needs and aspirations as a representative of her fellow IPC student members. She will serve until December 2021.