IPC’s November 2020 Economic Report: U.S. and EU Outlook
It is, as Charles Dickens might say, the best of times and the worst of times. Across both the United States and Europe, COVID-19 cases have accelerated sharply and will curtail economic activity in the coming months. But the last month hasn’t been all bad news; there has been very positive news regarding early vaccine trials. This news was very welcome for many sectors of the economy, especially the service sector, which is hamstrung by the virus.
As we present the November economic outlook report, we find ourselves caught between very bad news that is negatively impacting the economy right now and very hopeful news that could bring about significant economic activity, but with some delay.
In this month’s report, you will find U.S. and European data on economic growth, employment, Manufacturer’s Sentiment (PMI) and end markets for electronics.
You will also find details on industrial production, capacity utilization, PCB production data and North American PCB bookings.
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